On Friday 07.02.2020 we said bye to our friends from Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and Latvia, but before this happen we gather together to watch all we did during the whole week.
Kids present the comic book they did, mega size poster with great ideas how to safe our environment, we played Kahoot which was also created by students and watched amazing drama scenes, but the most waited for was a fashion show.
Kids presented models dressed in hand made „second life” clothes, it was an amazing experience to see such a huge creativity and enjoyment.
Thanks to our amazing parents which cooked traditional Polish dishes, and Mrs Rutkiewicz from Pałac pod Bocianim Gniazdem which kindly hosted us for big party in her place in Runowo we could say Goodbye to our friends with big Polish stamp.
They could taste barszcz, grochówka, Polish sausage, pierogi, krokiety, żurek, and many more wonderfull food but the ice creams and meringue with fresh whipped cream and fruits has stolen all kids and adults hearts.
We had a great time together, unforgetable memories will stay with us forever.
The last night….. The last foto…...how to say thank you ...how to say goodbye.
Its not a goodbye we just started Grecce see you in May!!!!!!!
W piątek, 07.02.2020, pożegnaliśmy naszych przyjaciół z Grecji, Cypru, Portugalii oraz Łotwy. Zanim jednak do tego doszło, rano zebraliśmy się razem, aby obejrzeć co udało nam się wypracować w ciągu całego tygodnia.